Flower myths

Common Flower Myths To Avoid

1. Sugar Can Be Used as Flower Flood for Your Cut Stems

2. Putting a Coin in the Bottom of the Vase Prevents Wilting

3. Fresh-Cut Flowers Prefer a Sunny Location

4. Potting Soil Should Not Be Reused

5. Cutting Flowers At An Angle

Many people believe cutting flowers at an angle will help them absorb water better, but this is a myth. Cutting the stems straight across is sufficient, although we recommend making the cut under running water to prevent air bubbles from forming in the stem.

6. Lilies Will Die if You Remove the Anthers

Many people believe lilies will die if you remove the anthers. However, this isn’t true. In fact, the anthers should be removed from lilies as their pollen is highly toxic to pets and can stain nearly anything it touches. Removing the anthers will also extend the life of the flowers.

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